Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Read/write data from an ESRI ASCII file into a RasterModelGrid.

ESRI ASCII functions

.. autosummary::

import os
import pathlib
import re

import numpy as np

from landlab.utils import add_halo

_HEADER_KEY_REGEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\s*(?P<key>[a-zA-z]\w+)")
_HEADER_REGEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\s*(?P<key>[a-zA-Z]\w+)\s+(?P<value>[\w.+-]+)")
    "nrows": (int, lambda x: x > 0),
    "ncols": (int, lambda x: x > 0),
    "cellsize": (float, lambda x: x > 0),
    "xllcorner": (float, lambda x: True),
    "xllcenter": (float, lambda x: True),
    "yllcorner": (float, lambda x: True),
    "yllcenter": (float, lambda x: True),
    "nodata_value": (float, lambda x: True),

[docs] class Error(Exception): """Base class for errors in this module.""" pass
[docs] class BadHeaderLineError(Error): """Raise this error for a bad header is line.""" def __init__(self, line): self._line = line def __str__(self): return self._line # this line not yet tested
[docs] class MissingRequiredKeyError(Error): """Raise this error when a header is missing a required key.""" def __init__(self, key): self._key = key def __str__(self): return self._key
[docs] class KeyTypeError(Error): """Raise this error when a header's key value is of the wrong type.""" def __init__(self, key, expected_type): self._key = key self._type = str(expected_type) def __str__(self): return f"Unable to convert {self._key} to {self._type}"
[docs] class KeyValueError(Error): """Raise this error when a header's key value has a bad value.""" def __init__(self, key, message): self._key = key self._msg = message def __str__(self): return f"{self._key}: {self._msg}" # this line not yet tested
[docs] class DataSizeError(Error): """Raise this error if the size of data does not match the header.""" def __init__(self, size, expected_size): self._actual = size self._expected = expected_size def __str__(self): return "{} != {}".format( self._actual, self._expected ) # this line not yet tested
[docs] class MismatchGridDataSizeError(Error): """Raise this error if the data size does not match the grid size.""" def __init__(self, size, expected_size): self._actual = size self._expected = expected_size def __str__(self): return "(data size) {} != {} (grid size)".format( self._actual, self._expected, ) # this line not yet tested
[docs] class MismatchGridXYSpacing(Error): """Raise this error if the file cell size does not match the grid dx.""" def __init__(self, dx, expected_dx): self._actual = dx self._expected = expected_dx def __str__(self): return "(data dx) {} != {} (grid dx)".format( self._actual, self._expected, ) # this line not yet tested
[docs] class MismatchGridXYLowerLeft(Error): """Raise this error if the file lower left does not match the grid.""" def __init__(self, llc, expected_llc): self._actual = llc self._expected = expected_llc def __str__(self): return "(data lower-left) {} != {} (grid lower-left)".format( self._actual, self._expected, ) # this line not yet tested
def _parse_header_key_value(line): """Parse a header line into a key-value pair. Parameters ---------- line : str Header line. Returns ------- (str, str) Header key-value pair Raises ------ BadHeaderLineError The is something wrong with the header line. """ match = _HEADER_KEY_REGEX_PATTERN.match(line) if match is None: return None # raise BadHeaderLineError(line) match = _HEADER_REGEX_PATTERN.match(line) if match is None: raise BadHeaderLineError(line) (key, value) = ("key").lower(),"value")) if key in _VALID_HEADER_KEYS: return (key, value) else: raise BadHeaderLineError(line) def _header_lines(asc_file): """Iterate over header lines for a ESRI ASCII file. Parameters ---------- asc_file : file_like File-like object for an ESRI ASCII file. Yields ------ str Header line. """ pos = asc_file.tell() line = asc_file.readline() while len(line) > 0: if len(line.strip()) > 0: item = _parse_header_key_value(line) if item: yield item else:, 0) break pos = asc_file.tell() line = asc_file.readline() def _header_is_valid(header): """Check if the ESRI ASCII header is valid. Parameters ---------- header : dict Header as key-values pairs. Raises ------ MissingRequiredKeyError The header is missing a required key. KeyTypeError The header has the key but its values is of the wrong type. """ header_keys = set(header) required_keys = {"ncols", "nrows", "cellsize"} if not required_keys.issubset(header_keys): raise MissingRequiredKeyError(", ".join(required_keys - header_keys)) for keys in [("xllcenter", "xllcorner"), ("yllcenter", "yllcorner")]: if len(set(keys) & header_keys) != 1: raise MissingRequiredKeyError("|".join(keys)) for key, requires in _HEADER_VALUE_TESTS.items(): to_type, is_valid = requires if key not in header: continue try: header[key] = to_type(header[key]) except ValueError as exc: raise KeyTypeError(key, to_type) from exc if not is_valid(header[key]): raise KeyValueError(key, "Bad value") return True
[docs] def read_asc_header(asc_file): """Read header information from an ESRI ASCII raster file. The header contains the following variables, * ``ncols``: Number of cell columns * ``nrows``: Number of cell rows * ``xllcenter`` or ``xllcorner``: X (column) coordinate of lower-left coordinate of grid (by center or lower-left corner of the cell) * ``yllcenter``, ``yllcorner``: Y (row) coordinate of lower-left coordinate of grid (by center or lower-left corner of the cell) * ``cellsize``: Grid spacing between rows and columns * ``nodata_value``: No-data value (optional) Parameters ---------- asc_file : file_like File-like object from which to read header. Returns ------- dict Header as key-value pairs. Raises ------ :class:`` The header is missing a required key. :class:`` The header has the key but its values is of the wrong type. Examples -------- >>> from io import StringIO >>> from import read_asc_header >>> contents = ''' ... nrows 100 ... ncols 200 ... cellsize 1.5 ... xllcenter 0.5 ... yllcenter -0.5 ... ''' >>> hdr = read_asc_header(StringIO(contents)) >>> hdr["nrows"], hdr["ncols"] (100, 200) >>> hdr["cellsize"] 1.5 >>> hdr["xllcenter"], hdr["yllcenter"] (0.5, -0.5) :class:`` is raised if the header does not contain all of the necessary keys. >>> contents = ''' ... ncols 200 ... cellsize 1.5 ... xllcenter 0.5 ... yllcenter -0.5 ... ''' >>> read_asc_header(StringIO(contents)) Traceback (most recent call last): MissingRequiredKeyError: nrows :class:`` is raised if a value is of the wrong type. For instance, *nrows* and *ncols* must be ``int``. >>> contents = ''' ... nrows 100.5 ... ncols 200 ... cellsize 1.5 ... xllcenter 0.5 ... yllcenter -0.5 ... ''' >>> read_asc_header(StringIO(contents)) Traceback (most recent call last): KeyTypeError: Unable to convert nrows to <type 'int'> """ header = {} for key, value in _header_lines(asc_file): header[key] = value _header_is_valid(header) return header
def _read_asc_data(asc_file): """Read gridded data from an ESRI ASCII data file. Parameters ---------- asc_file : file-like File-like object of the data file pointing to the start of the data. .. note:: First row of the data is at the top of the raster grid, the second row is the second from the top, and so on. """ return np.loadtxt(asc_file)
[docs] def read_esri_ascii(asc_file, grid=None, reshape=False, name=None, halo=0): """Read :py:class:`~.RasterModelGrid` from an ESRI ASCII file. Read data from *asc_file*, an `ESRI ASCII file`_, into a :class:`~.RasterModelGrid`. *asc_file* is either the name of the data file or is a file-like object. The grid and data read from the file are returned as a tuple (*grid*, *data*) where *grid* is an instance of :py:class:`~.RasterModelGrid` and *data* is a numpy array of doubles with that has been reshaped to have the number of rows and columns given in the header. .. _ESRI ASCII file: Parameters ---------- asc_file : str of file-like Data file to read. reshape : boolean, optional Reshape the returned array, otherwise return a flattened array. name : str, optional Add data to the grid as a named field. grid : *grid* , optional Adds data to an existing *grid* instead of creating a new one. halo : integer, optional Adds outer border of depth halo to the *grid*. Returns ------- (grid, data) : tuple A newly-created :class:`~.RasterModelGrid` and the associated node data. Raises ------ :class:`` Data are not the same size as indicated by the header file. :class:`` If a grid is passed, and the size of the grid does not agree with the size of the data. :class:`` If a grid is passed, and the *cellsize* listed in the heading does not match the node spacing of the grid. :class:`` If a grid is passed and the *xllcorner* and *yllcorner* do not match that of the grid. Examples -------- >>> from import read_esri_ascii >>> from io import StringIO >>> contents = ''' ... ncols 3 ... nrows 4 ... xllcorner 1. ... yllcorner 2. ... cellsize 10. ... NODATA_value -1 ... 0. 1. 2. ... 3. 4. 5. ... 6. 7. 8. ... 9. 10. 11. ... ''' >>> (grid, data) = read_esri_ascii(StringIO(contents)) The returned grid is a :class:`~.RasterModelGrid` with 4 rows and 3 columns. >>> grid RasterModelGrid((4, 3), xy_spacing=(10.0, 10.0), xy_of_lower_left=(1.0, 2.0)) Note that the first row of values is the bottom-most of the data file. >>> data.reshape(grid.shape) array([[ 9., 10., 11.], [ 6., 7., 8.], [ 3., 4., 5.], [ 0., 1., 2.]]) >>> (grid, data) = read_esri_ascii(StringIO(contents), halo=1) Because of the halo, the returned grid now has two more rows and columns than before. >>> grid RasterModelGrid((6, 5), xy_spacing=(10.0, 10.0), xy_of_lower_left=(-9.0, -8.0)) >>> data.reshape(grid.shape) array([[-1., -1., -1., -1., -1.], [-1., 9., 10., 11., -1.], [-1., 6., 7., 8., -1.], [-1., 3., 4., 5., -1.], [-1., 0., 1., 2., -1.], [-1., -1., -1., -1., -1.]]) """ # noqa: B950 from ..grid import RasterModelGrid if halo < 0: raise ValueError("negative halo") # if the asc_file is provided as a string, open it and pass the pointer to # _read_asc_header, and _read_asc_data if isinstance(asc_file, (str, pathlib.Path)): with open(asc_file) as f: header = read_asc_header(f) data = _read_asc_data(f) # otherwise, pass asc_file directly. else: header = read_asc_header(asc_file) data = _read_asc_data(asc_file) shape = (header["nrows"] + 2 * halo, header["ncols"] + 2 * halo) nodata_value = header.get("nodata_value", -9999.0) if data.size != (shape[0] - 2 * halo) * (shape[1] - 2 * halo): raise DataSizeError(shape[0] * shape[1], data.size) xy_spacing = (header["cellsize"], header["cellsize"]) xy_of_lower_left = ( header["xllcorner"] - halo * header["cellsize"], header["yllcorner"] - halo * header["cellsize"], ) data = np.flipud(data) if halo > 0: data = add_halo( data.reshape(header["nrows"], header["ncols"]), halo=halo, halo_value=nodata_value, ).reshape((-1,)) if not reshape: data = data.flatten() if grid is not None: if (grid.number_of_node_rows != shape[0]) or ( grid.number_of_node_columns != shape[1] ): raise MismatchGridDataSizeError( shape[0] * shape[1], grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.number_of_node_columns, ) if (grid.dx, grid.dy) != xy_spacing: raise MismatchGridXYSpacing((grid.dx, grid.dy), xy_spacing) if grid.xy_of_lower_left != xy_of_lower_left: raise MismatchGridXYLowerLeft(grid.xy_of_lower_left, xy_of_lower_left) if grid is None: grid = RasterModelGrid( shape, xy_spacing=xy_spacing, xy_of_lower_left=xy_of_lower_left ) if name: grid.add_field(name, data, at="node") return (grid, data)
[docs] def write_esri_ascii(path, fields, names=None, clobber=False): """Write landlab fields to ESRI ASCII. Write the data and grid information for *fields* to *path* in the ESRI ASCII format. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output file. fields : field-like Landlab field object that holds a grid and associated values. names : iterable of str, optional Names of the fields to include in the output file. If not provided, write all fields. clobber : boolean If *path* exists, clobber the existing file, otherwise raise an exception. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import os >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> from import write_esri_ascii >>> grid = RasterModelGrid((4, 5), xy_spacing=(2.0, 2.0)) >>> grid.at_node["air__temperature"] = np.arange(20.0) >>> files = write_esri_ascii("test.asc", grid) # doctest: +SKIP >>> [os.path.basename(name) for name in sorted(files)] # doctest: +SKIP ['test.asc'] >>> _ = grid.add_field("land_surface__elevation", np.arange(20.0), at="node") >>> grid.at_node["land_surface__elevation"] = np.arange(20.0) >>> files = write_esri_ascii("test.asc", grid) # doctest: +SKIP >>> [os.path.basename(name) for name in sorted(files)] # doctest: +SKIP ['test_air__temperature.asc', 'test_land_surface__elevation.asc'] """ if os.path.exists(path) and not clobber: raise ValueError("file exists") if isinstance(names, (str, pathlib.Path)): names = [names] names = names or fields.at_node.keys() if len(names) == 1: paths = [path] elif len(names) > 1: (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(path) paths = [base + "_" + name + ext for name in names] else: raise ValueError("no node fields to write") bad_names = set(names) - set(fields.at_node.keys()) if len(bad_names) > 0: raise ValueError("unknown field name(s): %s" % ",".join(bad_names)) header = { "ncols": fields.number_of_node_columns, "nrows": fields.number_of_node_rows, "xllcorner": fields.node_x[0], "yllcorner": fields.node_y[0], "cellsize": fields.dx, } for path, name in zip(paths, names): header_lines = [f"{key} {str(val)}" for key, val in list(header.items())] data = fields.at_node[name].reshape(header["nrows"], header["ncols"]) np.savetxt( path, np.flipud(data), header=os.linesep.join(header_lines), comments="" ) return paths